Homo ludens radiactivus

I belong to the fraternity of people who call themselves radioactive. I have felt fascinated by the magic of radio since childhood. Isn't radio bordering on magic? Somebody can transmit a little bit of power into the air, coded with his voice, have this tiny signal travel around the world, bouncing forth and back between earth and sky, to finally induce an incredibly small amount of power in someone else's antenna. That antenna has a receiver connected to it, this receiver picks up that little bit of power originating halfways around the world, amplifies it many trillion times, passes it through filters that strip it of millions of different and much more powerful interfering signals, and finally this tiny sample of energy transmitted around the globe through thin air lets me talk to someone else, through the speaker in his receiver. There is nothing manmade in between us two, just his station and mine, and tens of thousands of kilometers of air. Yet we can talk, we can experiment, we can become friends...

If you want to read more about my story as a ham, please have a look at the story of homo ludens radiactivus .

In late 2010 I commited a case of cruelty against a little defenseless radio. Read about the pruned TM-241.

And if you are interested in building equipment, be sure to check the homo ludens electronicus page, which has several ham radio related construction articles. 

 The remainder of this section is in Spanish, because it addresses mainly the local Chilean ham radio scene.

Sección en español

A pedido de tanta gente, he implementado esta sección en español en mi sitio, dedicada esencialmente a la radioafición chilena. Acá pueden encontrar:

       Repetidoras de Radioaficionados de Chile: Es la base de datos de repetidoras que yo mantengo, pero deben tratarla con algo de recelo, porque no siempre está actualizada...

       Recordando a Emilio:  In Memoriam XQ5BIB. La radioafición nunca volverá a ser igual sin él.

       La Antena Multibanda XQ6FOD: Una antena resonante para 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12,  10 y 6 metros.

       Tópicos de radio: Diversos temas, tanto de operación como técnicos.

Back to the homo ludens homepage. And if you are interested in building equipment, be sure to check the homo ludens electronicus page.